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This is my diary....what I make sense of, around me. You'll find short prose on contemporary topics that interest me. What can you expect - Best adjectives? …. hmm occasionally, tossed around flowery verbs ?…. Nope, haiku-like super-brevity? … I try to. Thanks for dropping by & hope to see you again

June 9, 2024

Singapore Airlines Flight Turbulence and the MH0192 Incident: Harrowing Escapes

In a startling display of the forces of nature, passengers aboard a Singapore Airlines flight experienced sudden, severe turbulence, causing the aircraft to plunge 54 meters in a mere four seconds. This terrifying moment, captured during the recent incident, starkly illustrates the dramatic effects of unexpected turbulence. In this narrative, we also recount our recent encounter on Malaysia Airlines flight MH0192, which felt like a narrow escape from a similar fate - more a result of sheer luck than airline competence

A Night of Uncertain Skies: The Unanticipated Return of MH0192

On the evening of May 14, 2024, the smooth textures of a typical departure lounge at Kuala Lumpur International Airport belied the drama that would soon unfold over the skies of Southeast Asia. As my wife, son, and I settled into our seats aboard flight MH0192, bound for Bangalore, the air was filled with the usual clatter and murmur of passengers embarking on night journeys. We were seated in 24D, comfortably strapped in, oblivious to the twist our flight was about to take.

The Airbus A330 aircraft, a familiar vessel of modern engineering, hummed to life as it detached from the tarmac punctually at 21:00. The city lights of Kuala Lumpur faded into the backdrop as we climbed into the night sky. Three hours into our journey, somewhere over the vast, enigmatic waters near the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, a sudden announcement from the captain cleaved through the cabin’s calm. A technical snag - a suspected windshield crack in the cockpit - meant we had to turn back to Kuala Lumpur.

The decision was startling. There, surrounded by nothing but the dark, open sea, the potential perils seemed enormous. The crack posed a risk of rapid decompression, a nightmare at 35,000 feet, especially given our proximity to the nearest land. Port Blair was a mere 40 kilometers away, yet the captain’s voice over the intercom informed us we were heading back the way we came - a decision that weighed heavily in the atmosphere.

As we retraced our path back to Kuala Lumpur, the weight of our collective breaths seemed to fog the clarity of the situation. Were we safer continuing our journey back across the ocean, or should we have attempted an emergency landing at the nearest possible airport? The possibilities spun in my head as I looked at my family, trying to mask my concern with a reassuring smile.

Once back at Kuala Lumpur, the delay unfolded with an eerie calm. We disembarked and were herded to a temporary transit area, where we waited for about an hour. During this time, I observed the ground staff performing torchlight inspections on the cockpit glass of our original aircraft. Their meticulous scrutiny under the beams of their flashlights was a silent testament to the gravity of our situation.

Conversations with the transit lounge staff later revealed that the issue had been detected after we had already entered Indian airspace. The questions that raced through my mind were many: Was turning back really the safest option? What risks did we endure by not landing at the nearest possible airport?

Finally, a different aircraft was ready to take us to our destination. As we continued our journey, the night seemed quieter, the stars above a little dimmer, reflecting perhaps the somber reflections of passengers replaying the evening’s uncertainties.

As we reflect on these harrowing experiences aboard MH0192 and Singapore Airlines, it's clear that the skies hold unpredictable challenges, reminding us of the fragile balance between technology and nature's whims. These incidents not only highlight the importance of stringent safety protocols and the need for constant vigilance but also serve as a stark reminder of the thin line passengers tread between routine flights and unforeseen peril. While we often take the safety of air travel for granted, these moments of sudden turbulence and critical decisions underscore the relentless effort required to maintain it

May 19, 2024

8 Surprising Elements of Japanese Culture Every Tourist Must Discover

Japan fascinates tourists with its breathtaking locales, magnificent temples, majestic mountains, and splendid greenery of its countryside. Yet, what also captivates is the culture and traditions of the Japanese people. Long secluded in history, the tapestry of Japanese culture is richly imbued with unique characteristics in all its forms - from diet to music, gardening to dressing, sports to warfare. However, there are some aspects of Japanese life that seem alien to India.

Mount Fuji Japan


One of the most striking aspects is the utmost formality of the Japanese in their interactions. They come across as extremely polite people, soft-spoken and never seen talking aloud or shouting. This politeness extends to every social interaction, from casual conversations to formal business meetings.

Human operated pull carts in Japan

Pristine Water Bodies

Whether in the countryside or the cities, all water bodies are kept in pristine condition. The Japanese concept of Shinrin-Yoku, or forest bathing, binds people in love and respect for nature. It's not uncommon to find crystal-clear rivulets and ponds, a testament to the nation’s dedication to environmental cleanliness.

Language Barrier

English has little leverage in Japan. Anglophone visitors might find the country a bit challenging to navigate, as most forms of communication are in Japanese, with little or no importance given to English. This language barrier adds to the authentic experience but can be daunting for those unprepared.

Quiet and Hump-Free Roads 

Another expression of Japanese politeness is the absence of honking and loudspeakers. Even in traffic snarls and choke points on the highways, not a single honk is heard. The tranquility extends to public spaces, where loudspeakers are seldom used, creating a serene environment.

Japanese roads are devoid of speed breakers or humps. Despite the country's reputation for fast cars and bikes, their roads rely on the discipline of drivers rather than physical speed governors. Additionally, roads are often lined with guardrails on either side, though the purpose of these rails is not always clear.

Road segregators in Japan


In Japan, the art of compact living is elevated to a beautiful standard. From the sleek lines of compact cars navigating narrow city streets to the cleverly designed homes and apartments maximizing every square inch, the Japanese have mastered the art of space efficiency. Even pets often fit this smaller, neater mold, with breeds like the Shiba Inu exemplifying this petite elegance. 

It's not just about space-saving; it's about ergonomics - creating environments and choosing companions that suit the moderate physical stature of most Japanese. This harmonious approach to living is not only practical in densely populated areas but also reflects a deeper cultural appreciation for minimalism and precision.

Compact mini cars in Japan

Minimal Advertising

Commercialization is subtle in Japan. There are hardly any hoardings, with the exception of a couple in Tokyo city. This lack of in-your-face advertising preserves the aesthetic beauty of the landscape and urban spaces.

Cleanliness and Order

Open drains or gutters are nowhere to be seen, and the air is free from stink, dust and exhaust fumes. The absence of overtly religious identities in public spaces adds to the country's modern, secular ambiance.

Public cleanliness instructions in Japan

Social Harmony

Japan is notable for its lack of visible slums or beggars. The only exception we encountered was three road side beggars at the famous Shibuya crossing. This speaks volumes about the country's social support systems and the dignity afforded to all its citizens.

Visitors in Bamboo forest in Japan

Exploring Japan is not just about witnessing its natural beauty and architectural wonders, but also about experiencing a culture that prides itself on cleanliness, politeness, and respect for both nature and fellow humans. The blend of tradition and modernity creates an atmosphere that is as fascinating as it is serene, offering a unique perspective for travelers from around the world

April 18, 2024

Animal Awareness and Behaviour at a Busy Intersection: A Moment of Insight

Unveiling Animal Consciousness Amid Urban Chaos

In the study of animal behavior, human observations often come with a clinical detachment, where actions are cataloged into categories like feeding, territorial behaviors, courtship, and predator evasion. These are then neatly filed under the broader labels of innate or learned behaviors. But sometimes, a fleeting moment in the hustle and bustle of everyday life presents a scenario that defies these rigid classifications, hinting at a depth of animal consciousness rarely accounted for in scientific texts.
The Incident

animal behaviour - A Surprising Display of Animal Intelligence

The Unexpected Encounter: A Dusky Evening at the Crossroads

The event that profoundly shifted my perspective took place a few years ago, during a dusky evening at a busy traffic intersection. As the sky dimmed, I found myself waiting two rows back from the front at a red light, amidst a sparse crowd of motorcyclists. To my left, the road branched, bordered by a triangular divider.

Suddenly, a group of 2-3 Indian variety Cows, led by one with notably curved horns, ambled their way from the rear towards what I presumed was their home ( a usual in India!). They navigated through a narrow gap between the road divider and the motorcyclist at the front of the line. The gap was tight, and I couldn't help but notice the horns of the lead cow perilously close to the unsuspecting biker.

As the distance closed, I was gripped by fear. The sharp horn tips seemed destined to catch the back of the motorcyclist, potentially causing serious injury. This scene unfolded over what felt like an eternity but was actually about 90 seconds - the time remaining before the traffic light would turn green.

A Moment of Unexpected Insight

Just as panic was about to compel me to shout a warning, the cow did something astonishing. It tilted its head at a deliberate angle, about 45 degrees, ensuring the tip of its horn passed harmlessly over the motorcyclist’s shoulder. It was a maneuver of such precise awareness that it seemed almost human in its consideration.

The light turned green, and the moment passed as quickly as it had arrived. The motorcyclists sped off, including the one who had been moments away from a potentially painful encounter. None seemed to notice the critical adjustment made by the cow; the episode went unobserved by all but me.
Reflections on a Narrow Escape

A Surprising Display of Animal Intelligence

How did this cow, equipped with nothing more than instinct and a set of horns - ostensibly without sensory feedback - navigate such a hazardous narrow passage without incident? The horns, composed of dead tissue and certainly out of the animal’s line of sight, should not have been maneuvered so deftly. Yet, it was as if the cow possessed a consciousness, an understanding of its body in relation to the bustling world around it.

Reflecting on the Overlooked Miracles of Everyday Life

This incident serves as a poignant reminder of the "small miracles" that unfold around us, obscured by the fog of our daily routines and existential concerns. It challenges the way we compartmentalize animal behavior into simple, observable categories. Perhaps, in these unscripted moments, animals exhibit a level of situational awareness and deliberation that we, in our hubris, fail to recognize - a subtle reminder of the intricate tapestry of life playing out in even the most mundane of settings.

April 14, 2024

Dip, Dip, Dip and It's Ready to Sip: A Nostalgic Look at Vintage Advertising Magic

Exploring the Time Capsule of Vintage Advertisement

Delving into the past through old advertisements is not merely about nostalgia, curiosity, and amusement; it is about traveling through time. The joy of discovering a different set of aesthetics can be both thrilling and surprising. As we flip through old newspapers, encountering various advertisements, we find ourselves laughing, smiling, gawking, or shaking our heads all at once. These ads not only show us how advertising has evolved but also reflect the trends, needs, and preferences of our parents' and grandparents' generations, thus shaping our culture.

Dip, Dip, Dip and It's Ready to Sip advertisement image

Unlike the static narratives of many history books, these advertisements still jump off the page with undeniable magic, now even more enchanting since they've been dislodged from their original contexts. They offer a democratic and realistic dive into learning about history through the lens of everyday life.

Controversy in Creativity: The Taj Mahal Tea Ad Case

One notable example of such nostalgic advertising is the campaign for Taj Mahal tea bags, which became iconic with its catchy jingle: "Dip, dip, dip. And some sugar. And it's ready to sip. If you want it stronger, dip a little longer, dip dip dip." Despite its popularity, the jingle faced its share of controversies in the 1990s. The lyrics were scrutinized for perceived sexual undertones, stirring debates about the appropriateness of marketing messages and the thin line between creativity and sensitivity in advertising. This controversy itself reflects the social dynamics of the era, illustrating how advertisements can serve as a mirror to societal values and conflicts at the time.

Thus, these glimpses into the advertising world not only entertain us but also enrich our understanding of cultural shifts and the power of media in shaping societal norms. This makes vintage advertisements a treasure trove of cultural insights and a vivid chronicle of the past.

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