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This is my diary....what I make sense of, around me. You'll find short prose on contemporary topics that interest me. What can you expect - Best adjectives? …. hmm occasionally, tossed around flowery verbs ?…. Nope, haiku-like super-brevity? … I try to. Thanks for dropping by & hope to see you again

April 16, 2019

Tiger woods what a Comeback

Tiger woods golf champion comeback

Tiger Woods winning the Golf masters in 2019 is probably at the top of the greatest sporting come back in history. Why?
  1. He came back to win a world title after more than 10 years! This is unprecedented for a 43 year old sportsman in any form of the game. Tiger woods had last won a major golf title (US open) in 2008
  2. He went through a series of mishaps and unfortunate personal events that could have shattered the will & resolve of any person. But it didnt, sample this; after winning the US open in 2008 he went through a highly publicized extra marital affairs with several women, suffered a divorce in 2010, arrested for DUI i.e., driving under the influence of intoxicants, crippling health issues which made him undergo several surgeries
  3. Just 2 years before this golf crown, Tiger woods was not even able to hit a 60 yard shot. He underwent a spinal fusion surgery which meant his spine went through a welding process. He couldn't barely walk, sit, lay down or do anything physical.
And that's when everyone wrote him off before the Master's 2019

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