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This is my diary....what I make sense of, around me. You'll find short prose on contemporary topics that interest me. What can you expect - Best adjectives? …. hmm occasionally, tossed around flowery verbs ?…. Nope, haiku-like super-brevity? … I try to. Thanks for dropping by & hope to see you again

December 15, 2015

Global Warming and COP21 situation

So global warming alarm bells finally got over 190 countries at the COP21 table to agree on targets less than 2 degree centigrade. In my earlier blog article in 2009 I had argued that the climate elasticity is not something that people can put a finger on. And therefore the ecological rubber band is much less than the magical figure of 2 degree that was touted upon. 

Finally there is some realization to that end, and the target is an 'ambitious' 1.5*C though no one is clear how its going to be achieved. There is a grand vision on containing global warming but there is no actionable road map with responsibilities fixed in the operative part of the COP21 agreement. It is not legally binding either. Developed countries have got away with murder (literally), a bit like the big boys partied hard throughout the night and left some change on the table in the morning for the clean up. And yes, they are now clutching on to phrases like sustainable consumption like some toilet paper 

Global Warming and COP21 cartoon

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