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March 21, 2018

From Retired to Rewired: Living Without an Expiry Date

Retirement Quote

What Does It Mean to Be Retired?

Retirement is a word that carries different meanings for different people. For some, it’s a much-anticipated vacation - a permanent break from the daily grind. For others, it’s a nagging question: What now?

You see, the traditional notion of retirement comes with a set expiry date - your 60th birthday, perhaps. It’s a grand event where you’re handed a bouquet of flowers, a clock (ironically reminding you of the time you now have but don’t know what to do with), and a polite farewell speech from HR. And then… silence. For the next 20-25 years, you’re left to figure out what to do with yourself.

But what if retirement isn’t a date circled on a calendar? What if it’s not about stopping but about starting something new?

Take Vasant Prabhu, for example. The bloke in the image turned down a government job, ventured into the private sector, and after 18 years, decided to call it quits - not to retire, but to start his own business. Retirement, for him, wasn’t about settling down; it was about gearing up for a new chapter, on his own terms.

Being retired doesn’t have to mean being idle. It doesn’t have to mean falling into the trap of “waiting out” your golden years. It can mean choosing how to spend your time, finding purpose, and staying curious. Whether that’s starting a new career, mentoring others, or diving headfirst into a passion project, retirement is less about rest and more about rediscovery.

Because the truth is, the best thing about not having an expiry date is that you’re free to rewrite the rules. To stop working for others and start working for yourself - on your dreams, your ideas, your legacy.

So, what does it mean to be retired? Maybe it’s about never truly retiring from life itself.

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