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This is my diary....what I make sense of, around me. You'll find short prose on contemporary topics that interest me. What can you expect - Best adjectives? …. hmm occasionally, tossed around flowery verbs ?…. Nope, haiku-like super-brevity? … I try to. Thanks for dropping by & hope to see you again

May 31, 2015

One humdinger of a picture and an inspiration - the logo in making

The venture idea was positioned clearly in our mind when we set out on the new Business venture. We knew the gaps in the market place and wanted to fill them with a unique value proposition. We also realized that having a simple, clear yet strong identity was also crucial to occupying the consumer mind space. The eCommerce market is a fiercely growing and competitive business landscape in India. It takes a lot more to stand out than a mere value proposition.

Health care in this space is like the plain Jane on the ramp walk: unglamorous and barely noticeable . For a young demographic crowd gorging on clothes, footwear and accessories, where fashion and trends is the buzz-word, hip hop happening market places selling lifestyle products are the toast of the eCom world today. But a churn is happening, albeit slowly and as the population greys, consumer priorities and preferences will follow suit. And we might find the sweet spot here...... or so we believe.

However this blog article is about our logo and why we were inspired by the Vitruvian man.

for starters,vitruvian man is a perfect culmination of the genius of Michelangelo whose skill of fine arts and knowledge of science culminated into a humdinger of a picture. It packs a thousand punches, so to say, about the divinity of creation and HIS sense of proportion in humans and paradox in numbers (i.e, trigonometry if you like). And Michelangelo brought this paradox and proportion beautifully in the vitruvian man.

NASA was inspired too, it sent a vitruvian type image of human form in the deep space probe as beacon for the intelligent life (?) on earth about 30 years ago. And it has just entered inter stellar space!

For us vitruvian man stood for the 1490 AD message of Michelangelo: that the Meso-cosm unites the Microcosm with the Macrocosm of our known Universe. Simply put the workings of the human body is an analogy for the workings of the universe.

Cosmic healing therapy for instance is based on this premise, it believes that Gaia (energy of mother earth) which is a part of the energy of the supreme consciousness and intelligence, which we are surrounded by, has the power to unblock the malfunctioning chakras in the human body and restore it to normal health

Hahnemann the father of homeopathy propounded this in a slightly different way - Similaia Similibus Curantur (like cure likes). Starting with cinchona tree, he proved that substances that cause symptoms similar to an existing disease would acutely aggravate the condition and present other side beneficial effects.

He devised a process called potentization that would release the spirit or the dynamic healing force contained in these substances. Given in small doses, these highly potentised substances stimulate the body’s abilty to heal itself ( a bit like how they show advanced alien forms cure themselves in Hollywood movies).

And this system of medicine stood the test of time (200 years todate) and is delicately poised at the intersection of medical, human, biological, physical and spiritual sciences.

Our logo encapsulates this spirit

  • The image is made up of small dots in various dimensions represent the pills and drops (common form in which homeopathy is administered). Homeopathy medicines typically come in pillules.drops,Globules which are spherical in shape.
  • The dots spread out in all directions from the center (inside out) indicating the innate healing abilities of this form of medicine..This corresponds to the Hering’s law of Homeopathy
  • The dots are placed like the petals in a flower representing the Bach flower remedial system of homeopathy. Dr.Edward Bach, an English doctor from Warwickshire in 1886 discovered 38 flower Remedies containing healing properties with the help of which the sufferer could again strength to over come his anxieties, his fears, depression and so assist in his own heating in a natural way.
  • Inside it is the Michelangelo's Vitruvian man signifying the oneness with nature striving for balance and proportion
  • The Vitruvian man with arms spread out also symbolizes ‘H’ as in Homoeopathy

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